Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Had a nice visit with Mike today. He flew this time - figured it was a stand-off costwise and sure beat all those hours driving. He got here (actually to the beauty shop) about 10:00 and left for the airport about 4:00. I had told him Mom would be getting her hair done and that she might still be under the dryer if he arrived as expected at 10:00. So we visited down there for a while, took Mom back to her room, then came here until lunch. I had asked Linda Painter (head of dining services) if he could have lunch in 600. She said yes, so he ate with Mom and me. With all that moving from one part of the facility to another, he got to meet quite a few staff people this time. We covered a wide range of subjects in our conversations. He reminded me that I had said on my birthday I would avoid, in my comments, anything about politics and religion because of considerable differences of opinion on both subjects. He said friends, and certainly family, should be able to talk about them. One subject we kicked around was how a socialist country like Germany could, as reported, beat China in export sales and be recognized as maybe the world's leading industrial power. We didn't have a good answer. Maybe some of you do.


Anonymous said...

Socialism is a system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole. Maybe the German people feel they are sharing in the fruits of their labor?

Truman said...

From what I've read, Steve, Germany is kind of a mix between socialism and capitalism. Boards grant workers half the seats. Worker councils are elected and have input into company decisions and enjoy high wages, vacations and other benefits. Because Germany beats or ties China in export sales,I wonder what their exports are, and how they can compete in world markets.