Monday, April 26, 2010

Thought you all would get a kick out of the remainder of Saturday and Sunday morning. When I left Mom a little before eight, the chapel was all set up for the church service the next morning. I gave a silent salute to whoever had done the work. On Sunday morning everything went as usual except there was no music when we got to the chapel. Then I heard the organist say there was no power to the organ. Someone summoned maintenance. The oldest and one of the best men showed up and corrected the problem - reinserted a plug or two. We both smiled about that, realizing that some small hands might have been busy the day before.


Leigh @ Organic Mamas said...

no doubt that's what happened!

Sarah said...

Oh my! That probably IS what happened! I'm just glad none of the kids got hurt!

Megan said...

Dad told us about that when we saw him Sunday - hilarious!