Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Don't know how many of you I've told about a song I heard my father sing. Must have heard it more than once, because I remembered the words. Couldn't even guess how many times I sang it to Mom in the last few years - many, many times as I was leaving her side, morning, noon and night. Don't know why it never occurred to me to Google it. Probably thought it was too old. But I did today - just the three words, dear old girl, brought up two You Tube versions. One is by Jimmy Roselli. It's one of two "Saloon Songs", along with "Girl Of My Dreams". The other is a very old recording by Richard Jose and includes a long verse. I haven't been able to pick up all the words of the verse, but I'll keep trying.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I never heard you mention or sing that song.