Thursday, December 31, 2009

I asked Scott if he was going to say "Twenty-ten" or "Two thousand and ten." He said probably
"Twenty-ten" because it's shorter. I think that's my choice, but it may take some time after saying, "Two thousand", "Two thousand and one" etc. He also mentioned the debate as to whether today is the end of the first decade of the 21st century or whether it will be December 31, 2010? My vote would be the latter, but I think most people think otherwise, the way they did about whether the 21st century started on 1/1/2000 or 1/1/2001. One way or another, it's the end of another year, and I never expected to be around much past 2000, if that long. I took Mom to the New Years Eve party in the chapel at 2:00 this afternoon. We didn't stay long. She couldn't have eaten or drunk anything available anyway. I talked with her this evening about the New Years Day we spent flying to California. We had been out there since October, and had been home for Christmas. My boss, Dave Nighbert, had promised that. We stayed out there through March. She really enjoyed the time out there, because she got to visit more Spanish missions. We also had dinner once at the Valley Hunt Club, the group that founded the Rose Parade. J. C. Moore, manager of the hose plant in Walnut, lived in Pasadena. He and his wife were members of the club. I wish she had been able this evening to reminisce with me. Maybe she did, and I just didn't know it.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Happy New year and happy everyday! I remember when you and Mom were in California, Herb Pumphrey and I had dinner with you while we were working there for Wendy's. I think it was at Marie Callendar's and the pie was deliscious!

Truman said...

Thanks, Steve, for reminding me of having dinner with you and Herb. I didn't remember where we ate that night.

Mike said...

Happy New Year to you, Dad. We took down our Christmas decorations today. That job always leaves me feeling a little melancholy. Christmas seems to be a major milestone each year, and when one is over, it marks life moving on. We never know what life will bring. You said you didn't think you'd live this long, and certainly not under the circumstances you are now in. I guess we play the hand we're dealt, and you are playing yours with real grace.