Sunday, August 30, 2009

Thanks for the latest postings and the great pictures. As usual on Sunday, I spent a lot of time with Mom. After her noon meal, she spit up some liquid, and Ernie said she probably should have stayed up a while longer after eating. So after dinner, we toured some of the halls. When she did lie down, I turned the TV on, and we watched part of a show about Tony Bennett. Part of it stressed how much the song, "I Left My Heart in San Francisco" had meant to his career, so we heard parts of it quite a few times, sung at various times and places. I had the feeling that the name of the city was familiar to her, as well it should be. There also was a portion of a very early (maybe the first) Johnny Carson show when Mel Brooks and Tony were guests, and then part of a much later show when they were guests again - both by that time much better known. Mel, as usual, was very funny and at one point I laughed out loud. Mom did too. Not as loud as I, but definitely vocal. That was good to hear. The show wasn't over when I left, and that reminds me that I want to move my "Skype availability" time from 7:30 to 8:00 PM each night except Saturday, when I don't go on Skype any time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bet the TV show was nice, especially with Tony singing and Mel cracking jokes. I can picture you and Mom laughing at Mel and it also put a smile on my face. Possibly San Francisco was familiar with Mom, because I remember she loved the city as I do.