Thursday, January 20, 2011

Adelaide Marie

Adelaide Marie was born on January 14, 2011 at 12:30 am. She was 8 lb 15 oz. Thankfully for me it was a very fast delivery but it was by no means easy! :) She is a beautiful baby girl and we are all very happy she is finally here.

She was kept in the hospital for a couple days after birth due to high bilirubin levels. She was sent home on a bili blanket which uses UV rays to help the body breakdown the bilirubin into an excretable form. Her levels rose again to the high risk level a day later and has been admitted to the Children's Hospital in town.

She not only is dealing with the typical Jaundice that every newborn faces, but also has an ABO blood incompatability. I have O- blood and she has A-, apparently our blood intermixed in the umbilical cord and my blood started producing antibodies to her blood which then circulated through her system. The antibodies in her blood are destroying more red blood cells which makes the levels of bilirubin much higher than a normal jaundiced baby.

Since being in the hospital and on intensive phototherapy her levels have gone up and down, not quite remaining stable. This afternoon they put her on an IV in the hopes that the extra fluid in her system will help her flush out the bilirubin faster.

Please pray for her fast and safe recovery and for the strength of our family!!


Truman said...

Thanks for the posting, Leigh. Adelaide is a beautiful little girl. Sorry to hear about the problem she has. Words like bitirubin levels and terms like ABO blood incompatability are completely strange to me, but not to those treating her, so we'll pray that their skills will prevail,she will recover soon and you, Jon and Felicity will have her home again.

Anonymous said...

We welcome little Adelaide and our prayers are with you all!

Sarah said...

She is so beautiful Leigh! I am praying for her!