On 8/28 Sally and I attended the Restoring Honor Rally held at the Mall in Washington, D.C. It was one of the most inspirational events I have ever attended. Some estimated that 500,000 attended. These photos give some idea of the crowd which went from the Lincoln Memorial to past the Washington Monument. It was not a political event. The event was to support the Special Operations Warriors Foundation. Speakers like Sarah Palin and others called on all Americans to renew their commitment to God and concentrate on Faith, Hope and Charity in order to restore America to what the founding fathers envisioned. I was a beautiful although warm day, and a wonderful crowd.
Thanks for the posting, Mike. Those are good pictures. I wondered how you happened to attend the rally? Did he talk about it on TV, or was it advertised locally? I don't like Glen Beck or Sarah Palin, but certainly can't say anything against Faith, Hope and Charity. I'd like to know where he believes government (Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, for example) should stop and Charity take over.
Mike and Sally,
I heard that the rally was great! Some of Leigh and Jon's friends went.
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