Thursday, July 1, 2010

Had an interesting experience today. Yesterday, Rita Price, a Columbus Dispatch reporter called me. She had heard about, and read the website. Wanted to visit Mom and me. So she came to 600 this morning, came back here with me for a while, then came back to 600 at noon with a photographer. He took pictures before and during lunch. I have no idea what might get into print or when, but I'd guess it will be sometime this weekend. I'll let you know and if the article will be available on the web.


Megan said...

Cool! Let us know, and we'll check it out online. Did she say how she heard about your website?

Mike said...

I hope they print at least some of your story which should balance out some of the bad news that makes the papers.

Leigh @ Organic Mamas said...

Looking forward to reading the article!