Tuesday, March 30, 2010

This blog site has gone silent - no postings since March 12. I think I'll liven it up a little. What do you think of Sarah Palin? I have no strong opinions, but I don't think she should be taken seriously. Makes me wonder why I voted for McCain who put her a heartbeat away from the presidency. And I smile when I read something like what appeared in the last Readers Digest about pranks that have been pulled on people, famous or otherwise. During the presidential election a Canadian disc jockey was able to reach her by phone and convince her that he was French president Nicolas Sarcozy. She apparently failed to pick up on any of the hints that the conversation was a joke, even when he said with an exaggerated accent, "From my 'ouse, I can see Belgium."


Scott said...

I hold John McCain responsible for unleashing her on this country.

Mike said...

I think she has more common sense than most of the politicians in Washington.

Sally said...

Sarah Palin is all about common sense. Read her book! At least she does not accept pay offs for her vote! John McCain is not a conservative. He had nothing new to offer and then voted to put our country more in debt to China. Our grands and great grands will not recognize this country as we knew it.

Truman said...

Interesting comments so far. It's obvious that there are quite different opinions of Sarah (Palin, that is). Does anyone else want to weigh in?