Not too long ago I was beginning to think interest in this web site had started to cool off, but then some real good postings appeared - quite a mixture of stuff. Fred, the horse; Scout, the dog; white water rafting; Whitney back in the US; Anya with Fred and learning to drive; Steve's new web site; Molly with great grandparents, etc. Thanks to all who have put items on line. I still don't know how many view the site regularly. There's no good way to measure that. If any of you can figure out how to do it, let me know. There aren't a lot of comments, probably because making them requires going through the word recognition, having a Google account, password etc. The site is about a year old now. I've received a couple messages about renewing the domain name, but haven't figured out if they are real or not. When Steve was here, he came to the conclusion they weren't, and the renewal would be automatic. If any of you have knowledge about this, let me know in an e-mail. I've forgotten how I set it up in the first place. I do remember I started with information Andy gave me; so, Andy, how about telling me again in an e-mail? In the meantime, keep making the postings. They have been great.
Last Thursday I was elected as president of the Resident Council of Summit's Trace Assisted Living. That should be interesting, especially at this time when the new owners have been in control since April 1, and there's a real mixed bag of opinions about how they're doing.