Grandpa had asked for a picture of Jon and I a while ago, this is the most recent family picture we have of us, although Felicity has changed so much since then! We also have made the decision to move up to Akron in May for Jon to start a 12-month Accelerated Nursing Program to get his BSN. This is an exciting move for us. The program is designed for those who already have a bachelors in another area of study but are looking to change careers. Although we aren't looking forward to the actual packing of boxes aspect of moving we are excited to be that much closer to Jon's goal of being an RN and we're also excited to be so close to his parents who live in the Akron/Canton area.
As for me I have started an online business venture selling one of a kind hair clips for girls and babies. I know most of you don't have little ones running around but I thought you still might be interested in taking a peek. My website is They make great gifts as well :) So there's an update on our part as well as a shamless plug for my business :)
Great pictures Leigh! Good luck with your new business, and good luck with your move and Jon's new career. We're happy for you!
Thanks for the posting, Leigh. Some big changes going on in your lives - moving physically and Jon's changing direction careerwise as well. Godspeed. The website is interesting. Hope you sell many hairclips. That's a nice one Felicity is wearing. She sure has changed from when the picture of the three of you was taken.
Good to see you three and the photos are wonderful. You all look great! Good luck in your move and I'm sure you will find new friends easily. Jon, good luck on your new career, it is special to be called to be helpful to others in need. Also best wishes to your new venture Leigh. Blessings to you and yours.
She is so cute! :)
Good luck with the move.
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